IRBNet | University of South Alabama-十大彩票网投平台


IRBNet is the online submission software utilized for management of all research projects that require committee review and approval. The guidance provided within this webpage has been broken down into step-by-step instructions on how to get started creating submissions in IRBNet.

IRBNet Basics

Before having access to IRBNet, all users must create a New User profile. The following guidance demonstrates steps to create a New User profile.


All persons involved in a research study are required to complete training. For proof of training, certificates must be linked to your IRBNet User profile. For specific training requirements please refer to our Training Matrix or see committee specific training here.

For instructions on how to link your training certificate (s) to your IRBNet profile, please see the following guidance.


The following guidance provides instructions on how to create a new project in IRBNet for committee review.


See the below guidance if you need to access your project for any the following reasons:

  • The system timed you out (system automatically logs the user out after 60 minutes of inactivity).
  • Limited time available for submission completion.
  • Submitting subsequent packages (e.g. Amendments, Renewals, monitoring, etc.)


All new IRBNet projects are required to include a Wizard. This is essentially a series of questions that captures the details of your research project. Please note the term Wizard goes by other names for different USA review boards:

  • IACUC: IACUC/IBC Application or SmartForm
  • IBC: IACUC/IBC Application or SmartForm
  • IRB: Application Part A or Part A

Follow the steps provided to complete the Wizard for your submission.


Most required forms are readily available in IRBNet. To access these forms, follow the guidance below. For specific documentation requirements, please refer to the appropriate committee site.


All required documents and supplemental materials must be attached within your project in IRBNet.

To attach documents, follow the guidance below.


To share access with additional personnel, see the following guidance. Each reviewing committee has specific requirements for sharing project access. For these specific requirements, see the appropriate committee site.


To sign a project in IRBNet, see the following guidance. For specific requirements, see the appropriate committee site.


The final step before committee review is submitting your project in IRBNet. Until a project is officially submitted, your committee administrator will not be alerted that an item is ready for review.

Note: Please be sure to submit to the appropriate committee!


IRBNet Pro

New packages are required for various reasons, such as Amendments, Renewals, responses to committee clarifications, etc. Follow the below guidance for instructions on how to create a new package (not a new project) within IRBNet.


Navigating between packages is sometimes necessary to address revisions required in previously submitted packages. To learn how to navigate between packages, see the step-by-step guidance document below.


If your project/package requires revisions, your package can be unlocked by your committee administrator.

For example, if it is determined during pre-review that revisions are necessary, they may unlock the package for updates. Alternatively, if you realize post-submission that information is missing (e.g., forgotten documents, Wizard updates, etc.), you may request that your package be unlocked.

See the provided guidance document for instructions on how to navigate updating a package in IRBNet.


Documents such as Approval letters, Modifications Required letters, Information Required letters, etc. are all published within IRBNet by your committee administrator. To access these documents, please see the following guidance.

For specific requirements, see the appropriate committee site.


All persons with Full access to a project in IRBNet receive an email each time a meaningful action is taken. The most common types of reminders are:

  • Board Action
  • Board Document Published
  • Project Expiration
  • Signed Package
  • Package Locked/Unlocked
  • IRBNet Message from…

Each email will appear as an alert (or red flag) in IRBNet. Each email/flag indicates some type of change or action has occurred or is required in a specific package. To learn how to manage these alerts, please refer to the guidance document below.


Knowing the status of your project allows you to confirm your package has been submitted, is pending committee review, has been unlocked, etc.

To learn how to check the status of your project, follow the below guidance.
